Sunday, April 4, 2010

Would Jesus be a Terrorist by todays Government idea of one?

I realize this title is very controversial but as you further read you will see in context why today because Jesus was a leader of truth and true peace, not government peace, that he would be labled a "terrorist".
-Real terroist Osama Bin Laden, and falsely accused terrorist of the government, Ex-U.S. Naval intelligence officer, Vietnam Vet. American Writer, Radio host and, teacher, William Milton Cooper

"No one becomes popular by telling people the truth. History records what happened to the true prophets of the past. However, some have listened to their warnings and were not caught off-guard. Others have put their heads in the sand
and refused to listen."-William Cooper.

Politicians succeed by creating enemies. The enemy after all terrorists has lost credibilty will be humans. How will they make humans out to be the enemy? They will accomplish this by propaganda of humans destroying the earth through Global Warming.

By creating a problem as they always do they will create a solution that lies in further advancement of a political power structure. So if humanity is the problem what could possibly be the solution? The solution will be a enormous reduction in populaztion. How could this be achieved when people are smart enough to prevent their own life from knowingly being taken? Well it will be achieved by having their life unknowingly taken. It has already begun with wide spread of supposedly lab created H1N1 (swine flu) virus, food scarcity, flouride in water, and by the self induced ways of slow suicide like drugs. Does this sound ludicrious? All one as to do is look to what is really happening to see that it is true. There have already been a huge ammount of deaths fom starvation, swine flu, cancer, and drugs.

This theme of humanity being the enemy is already being woven throughout the media. It has gained creaditablity by using nonsequiturs and sound true but lacks real scientific evidence information. It has been scientifically proven by studying the deep structure of glaciers that previous centuries in history have been way hotter than earth is today, yet they did not have polution? So polution has become a nonsequitur for politicians to justify this agenda, just as it sounds true that vitamin C cures a cold, when in an accurate context vitamin C does not cure a cold, it however boosts the immune system. Vitamin C curing a cold is just an example of a nonsequitur.

Think of how crazy this sounds to reduce the population size when politicians survive by living off the working class? Who will provide their comfty lil luxurious life in thier bubbles of mysticism if the value producing working class of existence is either diminished or eradicated?
What is this political power structures agenda? Their agenda is to create one world government and supreme control which can only be accomplished by population reduction to 500 million?

How could it be we allow such unbelievable and seemingly impossilbe things to happen? It is because we have allowed the media to dictate our realities and decisions, when in fact the media is owned by large corporations that support the political power structure. The media is like a tool that a good magician uses to distract the crowd from what is really going on.

"Gabriel Have you ever heard of Harry Houdini Well he wasn't like today's magicians who are only interested in television ratings. He was an artist. He could make an elephant disappear in the middle of a theater filled with people, and do you know how he did that Misdirection." -

"Great Spirits have always encountered Viloent opposition from mediocre minds"
-Albert Einstein

In order to stop such terrible things from happening people have to stop being "sheeple" and become self-leaders. They must learn how to use their own minds to be honest and integrate information. They must stop allowing media dictate reality to them, authoritizing who the ememy is and who is the benefisical hero.

-Andrew Carnigie, Henry Ford, and Bill Gates

It is the working class that is the benefactor of humanity, not politicians. Politicians survive by usurping values from the working class, not by producing. Therefore it is business men who we must support and protect not polititicians. Politicians are like children who will not grow up and leave the house but just live off mommy and daddy, and anything that threatens this comfort of existence they wage war on.

The same political power structure that crucified Jesus Christ for being against the lies of the power structure and his teachings of truth (and now uses Jesus as a symbol to manipulate people i.e. George W. Bush) to this day crucifies any teacher of knowledge that goes against is policital power structure agenda labeling him/her a terrorist such as William Cooper. William Cooper was a teacher of truth and self-empowerment, he was gun down outside his house after predictng a terrorist attack of 911 on a radio broadcast stating on June of 2001 a CNN reporter was able to find Bin Laden and interview him, while with all the power our U.S. Goverment has were unable to locate him. He was mysteriously shot, 2 weeks after 911.

Im the one who treads on the weak one
Im the one in the suit and ties
Look at me, im the 5 star general
Federal reserve, organized crime
You know you make it so easy
I give you the enemy, you fall in line
You know you make it so easy
Im the puppet master, playing with your
life - hed p.e.

Jesus was well aware of evil in the government. The devil he may very well spoke of may be the entity that drives our government and its ego agendas. Jesus's message was always love, forgiveness, compassion. The government is the opposite of what Jesus was about. It shows no compassion for anyone or anything that does not fallow its agenda. It has no problem killing multitudes of innocent civilians, children, women, for its own end, then proclaiming it was for the greater good of God or what has replaced the word God now is Peace. What greater good could possibly involve killing if not for evil? It is assanine to try to achieve peace through war? War begets war? If Jesus was alive today in flesh and blood, because his pure truth would threaten the power structures agenda he would be named a "terrorist". Terrorist is the magic word the government uses to make anyone an enemy. The parasitical elite ruling class twists words as a way to manipulate the public. Some of the words now being twisted to support their agenda are terrorist, God, peace, truth, and justice.

The philosopher Plato is the father of all lies. He created the philosophical system of primacy of consciousness over existence i.e. whatever one can make up in their mind is real. Which gave way to the system the governments and relgion uses, the ends justify the means. Plato by inverting the epistemological structure of the conscious cognitive process, by reversing the metaphysical relationship between reality (existence) and consciousness, succeeded in effect in giving the perceptivity-centered modality the heights and the ulitmate congnitive status, while also providing lies a completely justified and even dignified full time job in the inner workings of human awareness.

Knowledge is power. Integration of knowledge is power. It through knowledge that one can control the destiny of his life, his enviroment, and his universe. It through Knowledge that one can achieve his true indivuality, and indivisible conscious wholeness,and the self that is genuinely his. It is through knowledge, and through knowledge alone, that the flowering and the ultimate fulfillment of what it means to be human, what it means to be conscious, can come to exist.

For two millennia until the dawn of the Industrial Revolution and the subsequent advent of capitalism, knowledge was almost the exclusive possession of priest-scholars those who worked under sovereignty of their patronal governments. This monopoization of knowledge was a policy deliberately planned and executed by successive political rulers who controled or reigned over the world for millenia. Amoung these policital rulers were some of the most brilliant and powerful kings, emperors, prime ministers, and priests or philosphers of human history.

Around 200 B.C. the politcal rulers of the western world began a systematic oppression of human knowledge and usurpation of power employing platonistic-oriented philosophies that provided idealogical foundation for the propagation of lies. The devised a strategy whereby they successfully achieved their purpose and prepared Europe for the darkest tragedy of human history: The Dark Ages. Throughout recorded history, where ever there was a rise of commercial or business activities , there was a flourishing of Aristotelian-oriented philosophy and an advancement of human knowledge. Athens, where the Greek culture flourished, was such a place. Around 200 B.C., with the rise of the Romans who were in essence an agriculturual nation, commerical activity declined and the world became more delusional, full of lies. This coincided with the proliferation of political rulers.

Political Rulers strive for power without exerting effort to earn knowledge of reality. They strive for power without earning genuine power. They accomplish their purpose and achieve their "power" by oppressing knowledge and disempowering others through the use of force, verbal as well as physical. Their power is in essence illusory and it is only in a society baised on lies that political rulers can sustain such an illusion. It is only through the propagation of lies that political rulers can survive. It is only by giving our power away to them can they survive. It is time for the human race to take their power back and disempower the parasitical elite class.

By understanding the mind is a reality integrating "organ" not a reality creating instrument, one can harness his power to think through things fully. This requires fully integrated honesty. By nature our survival mechanism is our minds, take our minds away and you take away our means of survival. By understanding in nature, objectively all minds have the same capacity and potential, therefore the mind doesn't have to consult another mind (about the mind), and on going, for guidance, but can guide one's own life.

J.A. Easter Sunday 2010

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