Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Exploitation is Contagious

Your messiah was never mine- Korn

We are raised in mysticism from an early age believing in tooth fairies, Santa Claus, and probably the oddest one to me the Easter Bunny. As we grow older and realize these were childhood games parents used for entertainment, fun, and to make a child's life exciting. However none the less they did use these mythological beings, Santa Claus more so than others, to manipulate certain behaviors in us. If we are bad Santa will bring us coal? ........Coal? And if we are good Santa will bring us whatever it was we asked for.

As adults we'd like to believe were smarter and understood the mythology behind the games that were played on us when we were kids, but yet fail to recognize the games that are still played on us to this day. We grow up and see how ludicrous one man delivering presents all over the world in one night sounds. When I was a kid, the biggest question on my mind was why does Santa sign his name on only our presents and none of my cousins? As a child being surrounded in a world of mysticism, from talking puppets, to ridiculous explanations from parents for everything, we grow up seeing that world of mysticism and make believe but fail to see it as an adult, still around us. In various western religion people are taught if they behave a certain way, which is fallow their gods lil rule book, that they will be rewarded in an after life? Why an after life? Why does the reward have to take be in an after life that can't be proved now but are still taught to have blind faith that it is real? Because how easy is it to manipulate people by selling an intangible product or dream, that you don't even have to prove now but accept payment for it now? While were all alive, its very unlikely anyone can argue what happens when we die, so the sheeple believe what their programed to believe. That is if they fallow their lil rule book, which is integrated with religious and political leaders agendas that understand this mysticism in people and know how to exploit it towards their agenda, just as the parent would use Santa Claus to reinforce the parents agenda to get the children to either quiet down, do their homework, mow the lawn, do the dishes, but instead of Santa Claus as adults, its God. These authorities use God to manipulate adults.

God don't like liars, murders, or thieves, laugh out loud, ok? Why is our country being run by them? Evil people have ruled for milena and never felt a wrath of God. I think only people who are in inescapable poverty, hunger, or illness, are feeling the wrath of some God. Yet we were taught, God favors the poor, why then do they suffer. Ok, looking at things objectively, people suffer when their needs aren't being met, so if the universe in neutral, neither good or bad, and just as animals feed off each other and its not evil its just how nature works, so if these criminals that secretly control our country and kill millions of people, no one is punishing the animals for eating each other, who will punish these mass murders? If they are above the law, and it is man who has brought punishment to people, who is there to punish these people? These people that make murders doing life, seem innocent, why are they not experiencing karma? What is God waiting for? The sun and moon to be aligned and that's when his power kicks in, the almighty and omnipotent?


1. They reinforce don't question. If you question, you lack faith, and will fall from the grace of God, and be damned to eternal punishment. Wow...really? Eternal punishment? Yikes! I better just be a good sheep and go along then and not question.

2. It is a super structure of lies, where one lie supports another lie supports another lie and on going forever. You may remember asking mummy and daddy questions about Santa when you were a kid, well ....uh how does Santa get around the world in one night? Because lil Christopher, he has magic reindeer? Well why were the reindeer magical? Because they were Goddamn it, don't ask anymore questions. The illusion that was built, not for evil and malicious reasons like our government does, but out of good intentions of our parents is a super structure of a lie. The same goes for the little fairy tale world religious and political leaders use to manipulate people. They omit truth, anything that will discredit the lie, and link together anything that supports the lie.

These religious and political leaders who have all their needs met, know about all activity going on in the world, are protected from I'd say almost all threats. Have access to the best medical resources. Notice no president has ever got cancer? How could they suffer? I really want to be proved wrong. I would love for this idea they have called God, to prove me wrong, but history shows the corruption has went on for Milena untouched and continues to rule and people allow it because they are easily fooled and controlled by mysticism within themselves.

I know religious fanatics will have plenty of nonsequiturs ready to hurl at me.... God's timing is perfect, hes waiting for the perfect time? God gave us free will (but he flooded the world during the time of Sodom and Gamora?). Whats sad is there is good people who are suffering, and are just looking for hope out of their suffering, and their the ones most venerable to look towards a better after life because their life now is painful. Its not a common thing taught in schools to be responsible, think for yourself, or getting your own needs met. Instead we are drip fed messages from all around us God is responsible, do not not think but surrender you mind to God, place all your problems on God? And when life blows up in our face because we failed to realize the law of cause and effect because we surrendered our mind, who do we blame? God, The other Santa Claus. Only we can make our lives perfect by taking steps in that direction toward the life we want.

Most rules of religions lead man so far astray from his own biology and what makes him happy, then the religious leaders use the nonsequitur Jesus suffered for our sins, you can take his example and suffer for this greater good of the church now. That suffering is a necessary part of life in order to have a better after life. Ok, who benefits from one's suffering, ummm the religious and political leaders, and that is why they reinforce that behavior, then using eternal damnation if you go against it and if you do go with it, perfect after life.

This is why Muslims blow themselves up, they believe by sacrificing themselves now, they are doing the work of Allah? Killing? Again a God that is supposed to be all loving and represent peace? That if they give their lives, they will be rewarded beyond any humans capacity to experience pleasure? Ummm... don't you need a body to experience pleasure? Isn't it a biological drive to replicate and that's why we crave it and it feels so good? If your dead, why would you need to replicate? Are you going to knock up some ghost chick and have lil ghosts?

Because these religious and political leaders use God as a motivation tool for whatever behavior they want to reinforce is like a parent using Santa Claus to reinforce certain behaviors. The parent knows Santa Claus isn't real, and he knows his children do believe he is real and for fear of receiving coal will behave good. These authorities know that people believe in God and fear and a punishment of eternal damnation, so they use that to control people. If we can scare you by threatening you with the worst pain we can conjure up, burning for all eternity, how scared would a person be? Not only that but they paint this perfect portrait of heaven, as the reward if you live the good life, which is based on each individual religions rule book, you will get that reward? And they make the reward seem so enticing, meeting up with lost loved ones, a perfect effortless Utopia where all needs without having to ask for or move a finger are taken care of for all eternity? ummm.... bliss ...I surrender.

So if we as adults can see the folly in believing in Santa Claus, why can't people see the folly in these religions, and how authorities use God to manipulate people? Because they are taught to not question "their way". If you question it, you do not have complete faith, and there for will not enter the kingdom of heaven. God, who is supposed to be an unconditionally loving God, will only love you if you fallow his rules, do as his earthly leaders say, and then grant you access into heaven? I mean it doesn't take a genius to see the holes in the logic here, even a child has the capacity to see the irrationality here. If a child has questions about Santa Claus, better believe they will about God. So if a child can, and an adult can too, it must not have anything to do with intelligence, age, or being gifted. It has to do with awareness. As long as a child isn't aware that Santa Claus isn't real, which mommy and daddy do a good job of putting on a show to make sure Santa seems real, the child would remain unaware that its a lie. Just as religious leaders put on a good show to cover up all the holes and make their rule book and agenda fit.

If you look at the world as one big poker game constantly going on, that religious and political leaders are poker sharks waiting to exploit any weaknesses you have and take your money, you will become aware of how God is used just like how in poker the shark cleverly manipulates his opponents to bet based on their emotional whims so he can take their money. It's all just a fucking game! You don't like the game, leave the table or better yet go create your own game where you can win instead of the political and religious leaders always winning!!!!

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